Rapid Change for Panic Sufferers

"The reason for rapid effectiveness, what makes it different from past approaches, is that it intervenes at a different point in the panic process."

“A Panic Attack may be seen as the result of a problem with a disruptive physical movement – The Body Starter. That movement signals the brain to the possibility of extreme danger. Drop the movement, and the panic doesn’t begin.”

The intervention is based on the observation that while actively remembering attacks, people exhibit a Body Starter, an out-of-synch movement. This movement can send an inaccurate signal to the body that a critical emergency is impending.

The Rhythmic Integration Panic Project Program intervenes at the appearance of the Body Starter. The Starter is a previously unknown point in the panic process.It occurs before out-of-control emotional arousal; before escalating thoughts.

Body Starter behaviors, such as chest holding, throat constrictions, eyes rolling up into the head, etc. are not in the awareness of the person doing them, but they are observable to the trained outsider. Body Starters don't trigger an attack, but they ready the possibility for an attack to occur. Stop the process at the Body Starter and, it naturally follows: a panic doesn’t develop.

In the session, through a carefully constructed learning process; individuals becomes aware of Starter behaviors, work to extinguish its relationship to panic responses, and develop a way of expressing strong emotional feelings without the unwanted effects of panic.

The learning intervention is safe and respectful. A panic attack is not aroused during the session.
It is a fast, evidence-supported method to show a high effectiveness rate for the treatment of frequent Panic Attack — One session; sustained changes.

For More Information: 
Call 845-485-7171 (US),
Email us at rhythmicintegration@gmail.com 

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