About Us

Dr. Ron Robbins initiated and developed the theory of Rhythmic Integration, and the Panic Project application for rapidly reducing frequent panic attacks.

Dr. Robbins received his Doctorate in Psychology in 1965 from the University of Missouri. Besides Clinical Psychology, his studies emphasized early childhood education, group and organizational dynamics, and philosophy.

He has elaborated on these interests throughout his professional life as a Psychotherapist practicing in Poughkeepsie, New York; Consultant to the White House Conference on Children; Technical Specialist to the Head Start program during its formative years. 

He has served as a Change Facilitator for small treatment centers, all levels of academic institutions, small businesses and international corporations. He served as a Sports Psychologist significantly improving the performance of NCAA athletes as measured by statistics.

Dr. Robbins was a Steering Committee Member for the United Stated Association for Body Psychotherapists during its formative phases. He is currently an International Trainer for the Bioenergetic Institute for whom he has also served as a Trustee.

He has presented his work in eighteen countries where he has spoken and extensively provided professional training. His major theoretical work is the book, Rhythmic Integration: Finding Wholeness in the Cycle of Change. (Station Hill Press, 1990). 

For this book, he reviewed and directly collected auto-biographical material from the founders of the major psychotherapy schools that ascended in the 1960’s.

Personal interviews were conducted with Albert Ellis, J. L. Moreno, Jacqui Lee Schiff, Carl Rogers, Virginia Satir, and Alexander Lowen. They willingly collaborated in relating their lives and work to the phase of the Rhythmic Cycle which marked their history, and their contribution. Carl Jung and R. D. Laing were included through reference to their written material.

Dr. Robbins currently is working on body-oriented psycho-therapeutic methods to help people move directly to the experience of positive feelings and wholeness.

For More Information: 
Call 845-485-7171 (US),
Email us at rhythmicintegration@gmail.com 

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